MFA Projects

Victory Yards

22 Feb , 2015   Gallery

“The Good Neighbors” (Victory Yard) Project

Graduate Student: Patrice Anderson

The project name comes from a 1975 BBC sitcom, “Good Neighbors” where a couple decide to become completely self-sufficient turning their yard, and their house, into a sustainable farm in the middle of suburbia. This anti-manicured lawns movement is to help promote the culture of functional yards for food and living instead of yards for strictly beauty.

The target audience is anyone with a yard wanting to become more self-sufficient and health conscience about their food source.

Visual Solution
Initial “Point of Sale” for this campaign is simple yard signs

Materials & Other Deliverables
Signage, yard stakes and eventually jars and labels emphasizing “From the Yard of…”

This project went from large idea to smaller, doable support piece. The design evolved from the process of figuring out what medium I was going to use for this project. Painting or paper-cutout. I ended up with yard signs that where extremely limited in color (designed for cutouts).